Honor Awards 2023 at Art Saint Louis
It was a pleasure to juror "Honor Awards 2023" at Art Saint Louis in my hometown. My first arts admin gig, and first gallery show outside of college was with ASL so it's very special to reunite with them in this capacity a short 20 years later. The show closes on July 13 so if you're in St. Louis, check it out!
"Honor Awards 2023" centers ideas around identity, place, and gender and includes work by an intergenerational cross-section of regional emerging, mid-career, and established artists including: Ainura Barron, Nancy Exarhu, Brenda Gilliam, Sandy Kaplan, Misato Pang, Adrienne L.J. Patel, Marilyn Robinson, Duenne Schlarman, Den Smith, and Sun Smith-Foret.
Photos courtesy of the artists and Robin Hirsch-Steinhoff